Moles are the usual growths on skin that are actually excess melanin deposition at a particular site. A wart on the other hand is a skin growth caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
Warts should be removed and the precautions undertaken since they are viral infections.
Moles are one thing that is common to all humans. Every person has moles, maybe 1, maybe 40.
Moles are not a cause for concern unless they develop certain signs like: Itching / Increase in size / Change of colour.
In fact they are considered to be a beauty spot by many, especially on the face area. Some even consider this to be a sign of good luck and prosperity.
Moles can appear anywhere on the skin. They are of different shapes and sizes. Moles are usually brown to black in colour due to pigment melanin. Sometimes moles can be skin coloured. Moles are pre-determined at birth. They develop usually in the first 20 years of life and over the years due to sun exposure they can increase in numbers and darken in colour.
The life cycle of a mole is typically about 50 years. At the start, moles are mostly flat and look like a freckle or they can be black in colour. Over time they enlarge and some may develop hair. As the moles age they can become raised or they may not change at all.
In the recent years a lot has been spoken about cancer (Melanoma) and moles. What one must understand is that not all moles are cancerous. According to the American Academy Of Dermatology, if mole starts changing in size / colour / shape / especially if the border becomes ragged, you must consult your cosmetologist . The risk of Melanoma in Indian skin is much lower compared to other skin types as the skin has pigmentation which shields it to a certain degree from the effects of harmful UV Rays.
Moles are removed for cosmetic as well as medical reasons. Do speak to our cosmetologist if you are worried about a raised, itchy mole, which may have suddenly increased in size or changed colour.
Moles can be removed by two safe surgical methods: Simple excision (skin closure with sutures), or excision with cautery. The treatment is done under local anesthesia, the healing time is about 1 week. Removed moles are usually sent to the laboratory for pathological analysis. If sutures are used to close the wound, the stitches are removed after 1 week.
If your moles are larger, irregularly coloured or very dark, alert your cosmetologist .
For the usual examination, a cosmetologist does a biopsy by shaving or cutting out the spot so as to evaluate it under the microscope. If however, the mole is found to be cancerous, the cosmetologist will cut out the entire mole from the biopsy site along with a rim of the normal skin too and stitch the wound clode. Following are the usual methods for mole removal:
call us +91 87290 48399, 0172-5002191
10am to 1:30pm & 4:30 to 7:30pm
Monday to Saturday
Panache Skin Clinic
SCO 24-25, (Above Superb MRI CENTRE ), 2nd Floor
Sector-8 C, Chandigarh
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